We Are Entegra: Jacob Shearer

Meet one of the many valuable people that are part of the Entegra Coach team – Jacob Shearer. We recently sat down with him and learned aside from being Entegra Coach’s Customer Service Manager, he loves spending his time with his family.  Keep reading to learn more about Jacob and what #WeAreEntegra means to him.


Tell us a little about you: married? kids? hobbies?

I have a beautiful wife of 15 years, and together we have 4 amazing children. Our daughters are 13 and 11, and our sons are 10 and 7. I enjoy playing and coaching my children’s basketball teams. I enjoy construction projects/working with my hands. In my free time I like to fish and spend time outdoors.


What’s an average work day look like for you? Describe those activities.

An average day is supporting and managing the best customer service team in the industry, providing technical support to my co-workers, dealers, and retail customers. We also track and report to help improve processes and procedures to help increase productivity and efficiency. Our goal is to do everything we can to ensure that our Entegra Coach customers are well taken care of.


How long have you worked for Entegra Coach?

I have been with Entegra Coach since day one. I started with Travel Supreme in 2001 and have been here ever since.


What is your favorite thing about working at Entegra?

The people that I get to work with and the good environment. I am proud to stand behind a product that I truly believe in!



What makes Entegra Coach special or different in your opinion?

What makes Entegra Coach so special is the people that are behind the product and the extra care and attention we put into every coach, the pride we take in doing a good job of building the coaches and caring for our customer. The level of customer service that we offer really sets us apart from our competitors.


What does doing your specific job right mean to you?

Doing my job right means that every single customer is getting cared for in a timely manner and are getting the attention they deserve as one of our valued Entegra Coach Owner. At the end of the day, I can feel really good about how the day went, how I cared for the customers, and that we were able to take care of them.


Describe a positive interaction or experience you’ve had with an Entegra Coach customer? If you don’t work directly with customers, describe a positive interaction/experience you’ve had while working for Entegra Coach?

It’s hard to name one specific positive interaction. One of the most rewarding aspects of my job is when I am able to meet an owner in person, either here at the factory or at one of our events. To be able to really connect with them and discuss the things they’ve done while they have been travelling across the country, how we have helped them—that interaction face-to-face is really rewarding.


What do you enjoy doing when you’re not at work?

I enjoy spending time with my family. We like to help at our church a lot, my wife and I are involved with the youth group. We enjoy playing sports together as a family, particularly basketball and football. We travel to a lot of games for my kids, and I really enjoy coaching my children.


What does “We Are Entegra” mean to you?

We Are Entegra means we are a team of individuals who have come together for the same goal to ensure the customer’s experience is the one they deserve. The first impression they get when they take delivery of their motorhome means a lot. There are a lot of people behind the scenes that make that happen—from the manufacturing side to the customer service aspect. We are a team, all with the same goal, which is making the customer happy.