Dear Friends

With Warm Regards from Joyce Skinner

Get on your mark, get set, go! With so much going on around here now, I feel like we’re all in a race and if we don’t hang on and run with it, we’ll be left behind. Our new production facility is finished and folks are starting to move in; the ribbon cutting ceremony was a big success; and before you know it, Summerfest III will be here and we will, once again, be enjoying the company of so many of you, our valued customers. 

Excitement is definitely in the air and I can’t tell you how much it means to us to have so many of you able to share these special events with us. And the best news of all: We have reached the 2,000th registered-owner mark. Now that is something to be proud of!

As I searched myself for something to write about (I’m not a “writer,” that’s for sure), it was hard for me to get started. I found myself doing outside chores—planting flowers, sitting peacefully looking out at the lake that we live on and watching the crabapple tree let the wind blow its petals all over my freshly swept sidewalk. But, today I didn’t care. Even though we are only at the beginning of summer, I am reminded that winter comes all too soon and we need to enjoy these moments.  

I guess you could say I was dawdling (isn’t that a great word?!). I wonder if we take enough time to dawdle; or is our time filled up with technology so much that we can’t? Do we stay so busy that we never stop to smell the roses? I looked up the definition of dawdle in the dictionary: 1) to spend time idly.  2) to move lackadaisically (another great word!)

Even though I was working outside, my mind kept telling me that I had to get this article written so that it could be submitted before the deadline. But before I came inside, I looked at the flowers I planted, I saw the swans in the lake and I watched an ant hill full of ambitious ants; they reminded me that we, Entegra Coach, are all ambitious ants working hard so that you can experience more lackadaisical moments. Follow your event calendar wherever it takes you, but take some time to sit and dawdle. We would love to hear how you spend your lackadaisical moments—and we may even share them in a future article. 

In closing, I came across this poem that seems fitting for this article. It was written by Richard Le Gallienne (1866-1947):

I meant to do my work today –

But a brown bird sang in the apple tree.

And a butterfly flitted across the field,

And all the leaves were calling me.

And the wind went sighing over the land,

Tossing the grasses to and fro,

And a rainbow held out its shining hand –

So what could I do but laugh and go?


Until next time …


Joyce Skinner is Entegra Coach's Director of Customer Service

Contact Joyce