Cleaning Your Coach - Keeping The Environment in Mind

Hi there! We are the Ferguson family. Five years ago, we sold our 30-acre country property in Kansas and a home we loved, to hit the road for "6 months". 5 years & 47 states we are, still smiling and loving our RV life!

Spending time in 400 square feet with 6 people and our wiener dog, Sophie can be challenging. But with organization, good cleaning habits and a little extra effort, it's totally possible. 

Here are our best tips for a clean, healthy & chemical-free RV life:

1) “Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful.” -William Morris

We focus on experiences, NOT STUFF. Not only does it keep our RV looking clean and clutter-free, but what a valuable lesson for our 4 children! If it doesn’t have a place to tidily fit in the RV, it doesn’t come home with us. Birthdays are celebrated as the KING or QUEEN of the day, and Christmas is focused on giving to those in need.

True memories are not hidden in trinkets and mementos, but inside your heart!

2) “Leave Your Worries & Your Shoes at the Door”

One of the biggest changes in our RV cleanliness, was when we ditched the shoes. They come off before the door! We have allotted one of the outside storage compartments as the family shoe rack. (3 level shoe shelves fit great!)

We walk on the big outdoor carpet to grab our shoes before heading to church or dinner out. When we get home, they go back where they came from. This frees up room in our shared family closet, as well as limits the amount of dirt (and germs!) that come inside.

3) “I broke up with my cleaning products, I was tired of our toxic relationship!”

We believe everything you bring into your home ushers in help or harm to your body. For this reason, we choose to use only safe, natural cleaning products in our home sweet rolling home.

Under our sink, you will find one single bottle of our favorite natural, concentrated cleaner and beside it, a spray bottle, in diluted form. (Bonus: One bottle of concentrate makes 16 bottles of diluted cleaner at $1 a bottle!!!) It’s safe, it’s green, it smells like FALL – oranges, clove & cinnamon – and it makes our RV SHINE. From windows to counters, toilets to shower, dog barf to sticky messes, THIS is our go-to cleaning agent. Safe for my babies AND our fur baby, too!

Those tiny little RV toilet rooms can get aromatic FAST! We use baking soda with lemon and purify essential oils dripped inside a cute shaker jar. A little sprinkle when you tinkle (of baking soda - haha!) keeps that room fresh and clean, and is safe for your grey tank, too!

4) “Nothing Is More Memorable Than Smell”

6 people and a dog in 400 square feet could create QUITE the smelly home! When we have people over to visit, we never have to worry about what their nose will experience when they walk in the door. In fact, people always rave about how wonderful our home sweet rolling home smells!

We use 100% pure CPTG essential oils in our oil diffuser every single day!

Aromatics match the season:
Fall – wood, orange & cinnamon bark
Winter – fir, spruce & spice
Spring - fresh florals
Summer - citrus, vanilla & spearmint

Ditch the candles and toxic air freshener sprays!

Most candles are made of paraffin wax, which creates highly toxic benzene and toluene when burned (both are known carcinogens). In fact, the toxins released from paraffin candles are the same as those found in diesel fumes. Plus, it’s a huge fire hazard!

A room spray fragrance can be made up of a cocktail of more than 100 chemicals– chemicals that, if inhaled, are harmful and even fatal. Why are we intentionally adding them to our air?

Your sense of smell is 10,000x stronger than any other sense. You can change the entire tone of your home, simply by what essential oils you diffuse on that stressful travel day. You can also kill airborne pathogens and germs, and heighten immunity, depending on what you diffuse. Nature is powerful! And it smells great, too!!

Remember, green cleaning and organizing is a PRACTICE, not a project. The little decisions you make every day add up to BIG things for your health and the health of your home sweet rolling home.

Happy Travels!

About the Ferguson Family!










Goodbye, country life in Bible Belt USA & Hello, nomadic RV life! Meet the Ferguson family: Dale, Tonya, Destiny, Tylan, Avery & Paxton. They sold their home and worldly goods and have spent the past 5 years on one grand RV adventure! 47 states & going strong. You can read the story of how it all came to be on their website

Dale & Tonya are Blue Diamond leaders of the world’s largest essential oil company. They travel all over the United States teaching people how to take their health back with proactive choices and how to live more naturally. They teach a whole home - whole body approach to healthcare! You can follow their travel adventures on Instagram & Facebook, head over to say hi!