Many RVers travel with animals, and we’ve seen everything from dogs, cats, birds and even pigs. Dogs are certainly the most common, but it takes planning your schedule to accommodate meals, bathroom breaks and outings. We hadn’t planned to travel with a pet, but life happens, and we ended up with a cat, Sophie, whom we love to have with us.  She reluctantly joined us on the road and has adopted a routine that works for us all. Here’s our list of tips for traveling with a cat (these also apply to other animals).

Automatic Feeders. Invest in automatic feeders.  This way, our adventures out are not time constrained by feeding schedules.  We have both a dry food dispenser and a water fountain. Sophie knows the schedule and waits close to the feeder when she knows it’s about time.

Travel Days. We use calming treats to help put her at ease. She’s not a fan of travel days and as soon as she hears the engine, she hides. Calming chews help calm her down, although she still likes to hide under the bed. As soon as the bed slide is in, there are small spaces in which she can squeeze in and hide under the bed. Be sure to ensure your pets are not under the bed when you extend your bed slides and are clear of all other slides as well.

Litter Box. Think outside the norm. You don’t need a big litter box that’s difficult to manage/place in your rig. We use a smaller plastic tote that fits next to the rear bath toilet. Never put litter in the toilet, instead, clean the box each day, and use disposable poop bags.  This means our coach never smells like a cat lives with us, matter of fact, most folks don’t know until they see the litter box.


Bathe Often. To help with cat hair Sophie gets a bath every 2-3 weeks. She’s not fond of it, but it helps with shedding and pet allergies. I put her in the shower, with the water off, but warming using the recycle feature.

Sheet Topper. We keep a king size sheet on our bed, on top of our comforter.  It’s easier to wash weekly vs. washing and drying our heavier comforter. This helps reduce cat hair, since she insists on sleeping on us at night. Cats are silly this way, thinking we are their personal heating pads.

Cat Spaces. We keep towels on the front seats, so she can perch and see outside. She also has a pillow near the sofa that she enjoys sitting on to view out the window. She knows these are her spaces and again, makes it easy to wash and prevent her from putting holes in the upholstery when she launches off seats.

Keep Routines. Every pet needs routines. It’s important to keep routines, espcially for dogs. Their systems depend on consistency, around meals and potty breaks. If you plan to be away longer than normal, make arrangements for someone to stop by and attend to their needs.

Cats are Creatures of Habit. Keep routines, and don’t forget to include play time. Some cats adapt to harnesses/leashes and enjoy venturing outside. We can’t get Sophie to leave the coach, (she had a little trauma before we received her), but we try every month, when we’re at a quiet park. We have a few feathers and play toys that she enjoys, but she mostly likes a little attention from us daily. She enjoys sitting with us on the couch at night and reminds me she’s important by laying in front of my monitor while I work.                                     

Regardless of the animal companions you choose, these tips apply to most pets. Animals add lots of fun and enjoyable moments to our lives. Be brave, take your favorite animals with you as you travel and enjoy your adventures!

Entegra Coach Ambassadors: Cornerstone

In 2021, Jeri and Kenny Saulsbury sold their home in Texas, moved into
their Entegra Coach, and hit the road with their cat, Sophie, living the digital
nomadic lifestyle. When not on the road, they call Panama City Beach, FL
home during the winter.

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